PHP Web Application Development
PHP is best used where the request of a user is carried out based on database credentials straights to HTML form. PHP is quite simpler to work with as compared with other languages. PHP produces best HTML result with minimum codes. as already said it best works with Linux Server which is most popular server now a days. And It produces beautiful results while merging with HTML, CSS & Ajax.Unlike other languages which consumes more time while producing clustered result while PHP generates reusable scripts that works flawlessly all over the site repeatedly while saving our most of Time & Effort.
Now a days, there are various popular PHP frameworks available in the industry such as CodeIgniter, Zend etc, which are best works for large projects. Most ecommerce as well as Social Media platforms uses a PHP Framework i.e. example Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. It has an active developer team and community, bringing great value to the project. In addition to keeping you from wheel-reinventing, using this open source means your application’s core is well tested and is being constantly improved.