We Provide End-To-End Solution For
CRM software That Maintain, sharing,Creating

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems help businesses manage their customer and business relationships by providing one central location to gather present and historical information, automate manual business process, and communicate with prospective and current clients in a timely fashion.

After thorough research and years of experience, our team of experts leaves no stone unturned to build best custom CRM solutions for your company. Before we take a step ahead, we would be glad to share the most trusted technologies we use.

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Why You Need A Customized CRM Software?


With CRM you get better customer experience with the company through total process clarity and instant transactions.


It ensures proficient management of customer data, past purchase patterns and preferences.


Get insightful futures and customization options which are mainly designed for the sales or customer care personnel.

Easy & Fast Maintance

Generate batch wise invoices with detailed information according to your Business

Secure Data Transfer

Push transactions into the CRM portal and directly file returns from Marg CRM software

Cross Platform

Reconcile bank from any excel or csv file any format with interest calculation for cross check

Cost Effective

Stay on top of your finances with powerful 1000’s of sales, purchase, CRM reports

Custom Settings

Helps encode & centralize all products information in a barcode so that it becomes simple for store owners to quickly & accurately track products.

Customized Report

Cashier management and home delivery feature gives you 100% control on your business

User Rights

Use customisable templates to build beautiful invoices the way you want.

Track Revenue

Our retail CRM software also allow you to create your own shortcuts for easy access of reports and data entry.

Graphical Representation Data

Select right CRM slab for your products or services and Sleek Bill will do all the detailed calculations.

Unimaginable Scopes of
Your Business Idea

Switch to Smart CRM Software.

Our experts work closely with you ensuring your CRM solution delivers the functionality users expect.

2499 Rs. /year *
For One Organization
  • Product Planning & Evaluation

  • Proof of Concept (POC)

  • Social CRM & CRM Analytics

  • Sales & Marketing Planning

  • Customer Account Management

  • Intranet, IFD& Multi-Tenancy

  • CRM Deployment Planning

  • Efficient Customer Service

  • Support and Service